Google Adwords Call Extensions Updates

Google revises the call extensions for PPC

Google has recently made a declaration related to the pay-per-click policies for tech support companies. A brief announcement made by Google highlighted that the companies would no longer be able to display their contact or phone numbers in the paid Ads. This is been regulated from April, 2013 itself by the Google. The Google has decided to erase all the phone numbers from the Ads content which are generally displayed at the side of the screen in search results. As an alternative, the companies are required to follow the "call extension" scheme instead of mentioning the numbers.

On questioning the reason behind these changes, Google stated that they have initiated this to make browsing safer, convenient for the users on smart phones, tablets and computers. But Google has probably put out these changes as a way to earn more money from these advertisements and to take advantages of pay-per-click policy.

New Policy of Call Extensions:

The Google's new policy of call extensions mean that the paid Ads will include a "call" button or call icon at the side of the advertisement. When any user clicks on it, the company is allowed to pay for each click to the Google. This only works on using mobile phones and smart phones through, mobile Apps of Google, and Voice search facility of Google. While, this "call" button will not be displayed on desktops, laptop and tablets. Instead on these gadgets, you'll be able to see the number which cannot be clicked.

The "call extensions" feature is definitely not economical for the companies. The companies have to think it over twice before adopting the feature. The companies need to consider their PPC (Adwords) budget for hiring "call extensions" for their Ads. Moreover, the company will always be demanding few calls from the customers and minimum forwarding Google calls as on each click Google will be charging additional money.

Another important note to be noticed is about the location extension and call extension. According to this, if a company chooses to display both the location and call extension in one add, the customer will be able to get both the information though one extension only i.e. the location of the business and its contact number.

As a useful tip, Google suggested that call extensions should be usually preferred by those businessmen whose businesses are spread wide in diverse locations. Well, still a clear statement is not given as to what they exactly mean to say.

To be on the safer side and to remain updated with the Google PPC for tech support companies adverting policies it's always advisable for the businessmen to assign some of the members of your management team to look over such matters. Make sure your company Ads are displayed on the web without any contact numbers included in them.