8 Weeks of Prayer to Change Your Relationships
Our lives are defined by our relationships. Some bring us overwhelming joy, sublime support and deep connection. If only every relationship could be so easy. Unfortunately, we spend too much of our energy obsessing and ruminating over our challenging relationships – the ones that leave us feeling ashamed, broken, guilty, unappreciated or unworthy. We focus on how these relationships are lacking, how they should be different, and how we can fix them. Albert Einstein reminded us that "we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that we used when we created them." So, how do we shift our mindset and open our hearts? How do we change our experiences and find more meaning, more connection and more support in all our relationships – with ourselves and the people in our lives?
A miraculous shift happens when you invite a spiritual perspective to your relationships and surrender all your troubles to prayer. Practiced thousands of years before the first religions were formed, prayer belongs to everyone – including you – no matter what your background or beliefs. Prayer is the language of your soul, and unites you with your deepest power. It enables you to reach beyond your limited sense of self to embrace your innate wisdom and new possibilities.
During this eight-week course you’ll experience an entirely new way of relating to others, to yourself, your world and your divine nature. You’ll let go of power struggles, judgments and drama as you open up to new experiences of richer connection and harmony. You’ll practice specific qualities of consciousness to replace the ingrained habits that create relationship strife.
You’ll learn:
- What causes your problems to persist, and how to stop struggling with them.
- How you can be centered and joyful, no matter what’s going on around you.
- How to release blaming, judging and fault-finding.
- How to find a true sense of connection where you receive sustenance and strength.
- How to embrace the “unlovable” in yourself and others.
- Why surrendering to your vulnerability can be your greatest strength.
- How to reframe other people’s “bad behavior”.
- How prayer relieves fears, doubts and worries - offering a choice to change.
This profound course lovingly guides you to the very soul of your relationships, where you'll be centered in love—regardless of your circumstances. You'll realize greater connectedness, remembering you're not alone in your struggles. You'll find joy, light and laughter as you allow the magnificent power of prayer to heal and transform all your relationships.