Use Feng Shui to Attract Greater Wealth
This six-week course is about creating an abundant flow of money, wealth and blessings into your life using the techniques and tools of Feng Shui. In times where you are bombarded with ideas of recession and lack, you need these tools more than ever to help you create an abundant career, a flow of money and a wealth of blessings.
Some courses on Feng Shui are so complicated they take years to learn. This course on Feng Shui is simple and clear so you know what to do to create greater wealth and support in each areas of your life using the things and intentions you already have.
You will learn easy and empowering tools to help you understand the creative art of placement and the importance of using Feng Shui. Use your creativity, intuition and new Feng Shui skills to call into your life the blessings you want. You will be amazed at how clear it becomes once you understand exactly how to creatively decorate your home to insure a greater flow of blessings and wealth of all kinds.
• Six easy, potent, fun lessons on how to use Feng Shui to upgrade your life
• Why and how to remove clutter to make room for greater riches.
• How to use what you already have to attract greater wealth and blessings
• How to correct the energy flow in your home and make it feel absolutely great.
• 8 Audio recordings: help you to tune into creating spaciousness for greater blessings of wealth, prosperity and abundance.
From Dawn Lianna MA:
You have read this far, so I know you want to improve the amount of money in your pocketbook, the wealth of your career, the quality of your knowledge, your relationships and the number of blessings in your daily life. I’ve used these tools for years and love sharing them with you. My approach is gentle and loving and yet potent. When you use powerful tools with the twist of your own good intuition, you really succeed. So let’s get started.