Jamie Wozny

Jamie Wozny is a certified transformational coach, animal communicator, Reiki master, healer, and meditation guide. Jamie has been healing from her own anxiety and chronic illness over the years, and during that time of self-healing, she has been studying a wide variety of healing modalities. She has learned a great deal about physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic healing by connecting to her true nature to completely transform her life from the inside out. This has created a powerful shift in her own existence, as well as with others on the planet, simply by reuniting with her deepest, formless, truest self. Her passion is to help other fascinated spiritual seekers looking for deep healing learn to do the same, giving them the guidance that she wished she had on her journey. She has been blessed to be teaching and healing others for the last ten-plus years using the universal understandings she has learned that have helped her overcome her own fear and sickness and regain a deeper connection to her formless self, in turn finding connection, peace, and expansion on an Earth that is so desperately seeking souls to find their light.

Courses by Jamie

How to Find Peace Regardless of Your Circumstance

How to Find Peace Regardless of Your Circumstance

True contentment isn’t something that can be found in another person, place, or product. It is an inner wisdom that resides within us all; we simply need to learn how to access it. In this course, transformational coach and meditation teacher Jamie Wozny offers video-guided lessons to help you shift negative thought patterns and embrace more beauty around you. With the support of gentle meditations and journaling exercises, you'll observe past experiences more objectively in order to create a path toward healing and acceptance.
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