60 Meditations for Greater Happiness
Every day for 60 days, you will receive a short contemplation by Gina Lake, in both written and audio form and set to music, for you to enjoy and ponder at your leisure. The 60 empowering essays/audios that are part of this course will inform you, inspire you, and enable you to be more present and, consequently, happier. They are intended to wake you up out of your ordinary consciousness and help you live with more love, contentment, gratitude, and awe.
What you will be reading/ listening to each day will help you see through the egoic mind and the suffering it causes and encourage you to live more in the moment and less in your mind. The key to happiness is being very awake and aware of what is really happening in every moment rather than being absorbed in thoughts about the past, the future, your life, other people, and the many other thoughts we tend to get lost in. These thoughts don't add to our life or enhance our experience of life but detract from the potential joy, peace, and contentment inherent in each moment.
Happiness is in our control, since where we focus our attention is in our control. When we focus it on what the mind is telling us, we suffer; when we focus it on what is real and true in this moment, we align with our true self and experience joy, peace, and contentment. The happiness you will be uncovering over the next sixty days is the true and ever-present happiness that comes from contact with your true self.
You will learn:
- What true happiness is and how to experience it
- What interferes with happiness
- The truth about the mind and who you really are
- How the egoic mind keeps you from being happy
- How to free yourself from suffering
- What the experience of your true self is like