Erin Tietz

Erin Tietz, an industry leader in holistic health, is deeply passionate about helping people live their best lives. A former dancer and NFL cheerleader, Erin experienced injury and subsequent chronic pain throughout her career and was driven to find a path toward healing. After trying dozens of techniques, she finally discovered how activated movement can change scar tissue. Ten minutes of fascia work changed her life forever and set in motion her desire to share what she learned with others. Erin is the founder of a renowned fascia health program, reaching clients through virtual and in-person classes and one-on-one, private sessions. She is a guest instructor who works with multiple boutique studios in Minneapolis, Chicago, and New York City.

Courses by Erin

The Parasympathetic Nervous System Fix

The Parasympathetic Nervous System Fix

Our everyday life stressors leave so many of us with nervous systems that are working in overdrive. However, our body functions at its best when it's in a parasympathetic state, instead of a constant flight or fight mode. In this course, holistic health and fascia expert Erin Tietz will teach you conscious movement practices, neuro re-education training, and vagus nerve techniques to repattern your mind and body, so you can stay grounded and restore balance to your nervous system. You’ll receive simple, supportive tools that will enhance your whole-body function, improve your digestion, regulate anxiety, and more. By the end, you’ll be able to create deeper healing, so you can navigate life with a greater state of calm and well-being.
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Transverse Abs Workout for Instant Relief

Transverse Abs Workout for Instant Relief

Your transverse ab muscle is the master connector — supporting your pelvis, spine, torso, and rib cage — making it arguably one of the most important core muscles that plays an essential role in everyday movements. In this course, medical exercise specialist Erin Tietz will teach you how to work with your transverse abdominis, or TA, with guided exercises and fascia stretches that improve your posture and enhance your balance, as well as reduce pain in your lower back, hips, knees, and more.
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The 2-Week Fascia Miracle

The 2-Week Fascia Miracle

Fascia stretching is one of the most effective low-impact exercises to develop foundational strength and increase mobility and circulation. Join medical exercise specialist Erin Tietz and learn how to wake up feeling more vibrant and ready to meet the physical demands of the day. These gentle movements that support your connective tissue will get rid of aches and pains, and align you from head to toe. Get everything you need to move with more fluidity and ease.
The 2-Week Fascia Miracle
Activate Your Fascia, Free Your Body

Activate Your Fascia, Free Your Body

Wake up feeling vibrant and start moving with greater fluidity and ease. This course by holistic health leader Erin Tietz will teach you how‌ to activate and strengthen your connective tissue, known as your fascia, to release bound-up energy, improve alignment, and boost flexibility. This invigorating bodywork regime will free you of aches, pain, and stress.
Activate Your Fascia, Free Your Body