No time to hit the gym? No worries! Try a micro workout the next time you’re tight on time for a stress-free way to strength-train.
We all want to reap the mental and physical benefits of being active, but sometimes life gets in the way and finding the time to squeeze in a three-mile run or an hourlong exercise class doesn’t happen. Don’t let that discourage you from moving. You don’t need to spend tons of time doing cardio or lifting weights to get in great shape. You just need to make the most of the time you have available.
“We have very busy lives trying to balance family, work, and school, and the time we do have available does not always lend itself to an hour at the gym,” says Hawaii-based fitness expert and Yoga Alliance–trained instructor Desi Bartlett, who has trained Alicia Silverstone and Kate Hudson. That’s why she’s a fan of getting in a micro workout as a way to gain the benefits of a typical resistance workout — such as improving strength, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular endurance. “Shorter micro workouts can also bring many of these same benefits — in less time,” Bartlett tells DailyOM.
What Are Micro Workouts?
Simply put, micro workouts involve performing short bursts of resistance (aka strength) training — basically, building muscle strength through weights, bands, machines, even your own bodyweight — multiple times a day. Unlike traditional workouts, micro workouts are over in just a few minutes, so you can squeeze them in whenever you have time, even if your schedule is jam-packed.
“A micro workout is a short-form workout that lasts 5 to 10 minutes,” says Bartlett. “The number of exercises can vary based on the time and specific muscle groups you want to target and focus on, but they generally consist of five to eight exercises performed for 30 to 60 seconds [each]. Micro workouts are great for people with time-crunched schedules because they take just a few minutes. You can do them anywhere, anytime, and little to no equipment is needed.”
If you’re wondering whether there’s a difference between a micro workout and a mini workout, both help you get active in a short amount of time. But micro workouts focus primarily on resistance training, whereas mini workouts can include anything from HIIT to power walking to weightlifting.
Micro workouts may seem counterintuitive to what most of us have been told about moving more to stay healthy, but these super-short sessions aren’t less impactful. Sometimes, pushing your body to its limits isn’t the best option (especially when you’re exhausted or short on time). Breaking up your sweat sessions into shorter, more manageable micro workouts not only makes them easier to fit into your hectic schedule, but might also yield better results.
Interested in learning more? Check out 4-Minute Metabolism Booster
What Are the Health Benefits of Micro Workouts?
Recent research has shown that exercising in multiple short bursts, rather than one long session, can reap big rewards. According to one study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, participants were divided into two different research groups. One group of participants did six bicep curls a day, five days a week. Another group did the same number of bicep curls once a week. Researchers found that the participants who did shorter workouts throughout the week, rather than doing the same number of reps in a single day, saw their strength increase by more than 10 percent and had muscle thickness similar to the group that did the longer, traditional workout. According to the study, this type of workout is extremely effective because training volume appears to be a factor for muscle hypertrophy in short-term training.
Surprised? You shouldn’t be. Micro workouts are definitely becoming more popular, says Chris Gagliardi, a Scientific Education Content Manager for the American Council on Exercise and a personal trainer and health coach in San Diego, California. Gagliardi says one of the best benefits of micro workouts is how efficient they are at getting the job done. “There are health benefits associated with any amount of physical activity, [and] research shows that the accumulated amount of physical activity leads to health benefits, regardless of [whether] the exercise is performed in continuous or multiple bouts.”
Do Micro Workouts Work?
According to a review published in Sports Medicine in 2019 in which 19 research studies involving 1,080 participants were gathered and analyzed, scientists concluded that there is virtually no difference between continuous and accumulated patterns of exercise in terms of fitness, blood pressure, lipids, insulin, or glucose. In other words, their findings determined that micro workouts are just as effective as their traditional counterparts.
Breaking up your sweat sessions into shorter, more manageable micro workouts not only makes them easier to fit into your hectic schedule, but might also yield better results.
“The new messaging from the second edition of the physical activity guidelines for Americans says, ‘Adults should move more and sit less throughout the day,’” says Gagliardi. “‘Some physical activity is better than none. Adults who sit less and do any amount of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity gain some health benefits.’”
Since most Americans fail to meet the recommended 150 to 300 minutes a week of physical activity, breaking up workouts into micro workouts can be a smart way to increase exercise adherence, increase our enjoyment of activity, boost fitness levels, and decrease stress and anxiety levels — because even a little bit of movement can positively impact our mood.
Of course, if you aren’t currently active, always check with your physician before starting any new exercise routine. “For most people, the benefits of becoming more physically active far outweigh the risks,” says Gagliardi. “But if you are not currently physically active and have multiple chronic health conditions and experience symptoms related to those conditions, it would be best to contact your doctor prior to increasing your physical activity levels.”
Yes, You Can Do Micro Workouts at Home
One of the best things about micro workouts is you don’t need a lot of time or fancy gym equipment to do them on your own schedule. All you need is a little motivation, some weights, and a few spare minutes to get them done between work calls and soccer pickups.
So the next time you feel like there’s no time to squeeze in your favorite Pilates workout or kickboxing class at the gym, why not squeeze in a fast-and-furious micro workout for 5 to 10 minutes instead? Bartlett says three micro workouts over the course of a day is the “magic number,” but adds, “something is always better than nothing. You can do two strength workouts and make the third workout a vigorous walk.” Try not to dip below two of these resistance-training workouts, though, as Bartlett says you’ll lose some of those benefits.
Expert-Approved Micro Workout Sequence to Do Anywhere
Here, Bartlett shares an eight-step micro workout sequence. All you need is some hand weights, a pair of sneakers, a yoga mat, and 10 minutes. Incorporate this into your regular routine five times a week (to get to the recommended minimum of 150 minutes of activity a week) and you should notice changes in your capability and strength in as little as four to eight weeks.
1. Plank (1 Minute)
Begin on all fours with your hands shoulder-width apart and your wrists, elbows, and shoulders in alignment, stacked on top of one another. Step one foot back and then the other into a plank position. Make sure that you are not sinking in your lower back by engaging your abdominal muscles. If you can’t plank for a few minutes, do it for 10 seconds and build up to a minute over time.
2. Move From Down Dog to Up Dog (1 Minute)
From all fours, lift your hips and straighten your legs into Downward-Facing Dog, which should look like an inverted “V” from the side. While maintaining straight arms, slowly lower your hips and roll onto the top arches of your feet, into Upward-Facing dog. Continue to shift from one shape into the other, stretching your lower back and hamstrings in Down Dog, and your chest and abdomen in Up Dog.
3. Alternating Lunges (1 Minute)
Begin standing with your feet hips-width apart. Step your right foot forward and bend the right knee into a lunge position. Then step your right foot back to the beginning position as you straighten your legs. Continue to alternate and make sure that you are breathing deeply throughout the set.
Optional: Hold dumbbells in your hands while lunging. Choose a weight that challenges you, but not so heavy that you lose your form.
4. Push-Ups (1 Minute)
From plank position with your hands directly underneath your shoulders, bend both your elbows and lower your entire body toward the floor. Engage your core and make sure that your torso stays parallel with the floor at the bottom of the movement, but not touching the floor. Exhale and straighten the arms, returning to the beginning position. Repeat, performing as many push-ups as you can for a minute.
If you feel your lower back sinking, consider modifying the exercise by putting your knees on the floor and doing your push-up in this modified pose, or doing a few traditional push-ups, then finishing up on your knees.
5. Squat Jumps (40–60 Seconds)
Begin standing with your feet hips-width apart. Inhale as you bend your knees and move your hips back as though you were going to sit in a chair. Exhale and jump up so that your legs straighten and your feet come off of the floor. Make sure to land in the squat position with your knees bent. Repeat as many times as you can for 40 to 60 seconds, depending on your fitness level. If you prefer to skip the jump, you can push up to a standing position, keeping your feet on the floor the whole time.
6. Renegade Row-Alternating Arms (1 Minute)
Begin in plank position with your hands on dumbbells. Exhale as you draw your right arm back while bending the elbow in a row. Return to plank and repeat the row on the left side. Continue to alternate for one minute. Use a weight that allows you to maintain good form while still challenging you over the course of a minute.
7. Superman Lower Back Extension (40–60 Seconds)
Lie on your stomach with flat face down on your yoga mat. Reach your arms in front of you while maintaining straight legs. Lift your arms, legs, head, and upper torso off of the floor like you’re Superman flying. You will feel the muscular contraction in your lower back. Lower yourself back down, and continue to repeat over the course of 40 to 60 seconds.
8. Leg Lifts (1 Minute)
Begin lying down on your back with your hands palm down underneath your lower back. Maintain straight legs as you lift both legs up to a 90-degree angle on an exhalation. Inhale and slowly let both legs move down toward the floor, stopping a few inches short of the floor. Continue to lift and lower your legs over the course of a minute, making sure to keep your legs above the floor. The further you drop your legs down, the more challenging this is, so if you find you’re losing proper form, modify by not lowering your legs as low.
The Bottom Line
Micro workouts are a great way to strength-train without spending a lot of time exercising. You can do these short workouts at home, at the office, or at your local gym. They’re extremely flexible and work well for just about anybody, regardless of their personal fitness level.
“Perhaps you find that for you, personally, you do not get the same stress-reducing effects with micro workouts as you do with a full workout, or maybe vice versa,” says Gagliardi. “The great thing about exercise is that you can always check in to see how things are going. You can try micro and other workouts and see how they personally impact you. What changes are important to you and how can you measure them? You are the best person to decide if they are right for you. If your goal is to achieve 150 minutes of exercise per week, there are many [different] ways to achieve this same goal. The key is going to be to find the way that works best for you.”